Saturday, January 17, 2009

Week 1 down and no "major" problems!!

Today is our 1 week celebration with the new addition. Let me tell you what, Mr. Winston has rocked our world (as a teacher friend says, we are not training him he is training us). He has done this in both positive and negative ways. One should always start with the negative then end with the here goes!

  • Poor Chris...his work now revolves in 3 hour settings (he can't stay in his kennel longer than that)
  • Our day is counted by the minutes...even seconds for the next potty break
  • POTTY TRAINING, YIKES. (we still need a lot of work here)
  • the unknown, not sure what he will do next
  • racing the clock...I feel we are always racing to do something and be back in time to let him out


  • His sweet little face
  • The kisses on the toes, face, oh any where
  • The joy he brings us
  • His playful manor
  • The cuddling up in our laps
  • Wonderful sleeper (sleeps great at night, with no whining)

So there you have it...I think Chris and I are starting to get the hang of this puppy thing. Thus fare I do not believe we have screwed him up too bad, but only time will tell. We really are struggling on potty training, so please send us your hints. It seems no matter how often we go out, he goes inside as soon as we come back. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE! Now that he is 7 weeks old I hope that we can improve on this. Really that is our only beef with the little guy. He is wonderful, I wouldn't trade him for a thing.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Hmmm, I have no really good tips for you as we have struggled with the same thing when we got Crash. Scout was a champ at the whole potty training thing. She got it right away and was fully potty trained at 4 months with only one accident since then. Crash however is a different story. We moved mid-way through his training and he still has "accidents". He is getting better and we haven't had a surprise waiting for us in over a week--but he 8mo old so he should be better than that! Stay as consistent as possible; it sounds like you guys are doing great.