Saturday, January 28, 2012

Picture overload

We have made it through the first week and are on to our second week of life.  I cannot believe how fast the time has already gone.  I think she has grown so much makes me so sad!  I thought I would add some more pictures now that we have internet and blogger may want to work with me :-)

On Monday we have our 2 week check up at the Dr.  I hope she is back to birth weight...that is our big goal at this time since she has some weight.

These pictures are in no particular order...just of her birth day!

Aunt Whitney

All of our visitors

Uncle Timmy

Kat visiting Miss H

Aunt Riley


Minus the face...all dolled up to head home

First car ride...headed home

Cousin B acting silly

My mom and dad

Riley, B, and Little Bear all checking out Miss H as she got her first bath.

All cleaned up and ready to move to our new room.

Queen Tia Abby

The gang waiting on us as we rolled down to our new room.

Miss H and I as we head into our new room

B finally getting a good look at Miss H....he gave her her first nickname! 

daddy and miss h

My mom and Dad finally holding her

Grandpa Steve-o holding his grandbaby

Papa holding Miss H

Uncle B holding Miss H

Can you tell who couldn't get enough of Miss H?

Little Bear and I hanging out

The girls enjoying Miss H cute!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Harper Reese....Birth Story

Here we are ready to go at the hospital.

 Oh my goodness where does one begin?  As most of you are aware we kind of "planned" our baby's arrival....but then again we really DIDN'T!  It's so funny because before our baby arrived I had never really wondered about the birth story!  Man was ours interesting and an adventure!!

As planned my mom, dad, sister and family all arrived on Saturday!  Chris and I enjoyed spending the day with them prior to our arrival at the hospital at 5 that night.  We finished up Harper's room and did a few other errands.  Then at 4:30 pm Chris and I took off for the hospital...what a surreal feeling that was.  I mean we were actually on our way to meet our sweet baby!  Once we got to the hospital things were a little rocky....On the Tuesday prior there was another woman with my same name who came in and delivered there....thus causing some confusing as to who I was and how they didn't realize I was coming it.  They had marked me off the induction book because, well they thought I already had my sweet baby.  No worries the nurses and on call doc got everything squared away quickly.  Plus we ended up getting a wonderful large room.  This was great since we have many family members coming to visit.  Around 7 pm we began the induction....since I was not dilated this seemed to be a long road.  However, Chris and I were fully aware of that going in.  My family came up for a bit and hung out...I was looking super sexy as you can see!

That night they checked me around 10...not much change so I didn't want poor Chris to have to sleep there that night.  I sent him home, and believe me he was very hesitant to go.  But really all I was going to do was sleep so why did he need to be there?  I kept him up to date via text every time the nurses came in.  Nothing much happened except contractions of course...but no major changes.

These wonderful gowns make me look GIGANTIC.
all hooked up and ready to go...

Sunday morning Chris arrived around 5 am as we had planned.  Yes, he is an early riser!  He was there when they began my pitocin.... My doctor was on call on Sunday that is why we planned this! She came in explained how things would work and said she would check back around lunch.  Thus things began to progress a little more...or so I thought.  I mean I was actually "feeling" the contractions at this point.  My family arrived with breakfast around 8 and then Chris' family came in around 10.  I was so glad everyone finally made it so that they would all be here for the arrival of Baby R.  I then of course told Baby R he/she could come out because everyone is here!  HA HA HA  Noon came and went with no change other than the pain I was feeling.  I began some iv pain meds...that made me talk crazy!  Our poor to hear me gab about random stuff!  Then it was well dinner time and still no change.  My poor doctor is so sweet she kept telling me things would work out and she had tons of tricks to try. After 2 bags of pit nothing had moved doctor did a few things inside (sorry for the tmi)...scraped my membrane (which hurt like h*ll).  Then at 10 pm we were sitting in the same boat.  NOTHING moving forward...NO dilation what so ever!  Our families were getting very excited about a baby, and well this one was not moving!  Thus we were in for a long night I was afraid.  Chris made is bed and we both tried to get some rest.

I was up off and on as the nurses came in and checked on me....don't be alarmed nothing changed.  I mean I still was not even a 1! I of course hit the bathroom a few times.  Let me tell you what a pain that is when your hooked up to a million machines...I am a PRO now let me tell you.  Around 2:30 am after just returning from a bathroom trip I felt this huge kick on my stomach.  Then the great flood began!  Well it was a small flood and I yelled at Chris immediately.  Chris I think my water broke come look.  He stumbles over, actually he looked drunk, it was funny! He was so tired and not to happy about me waking him up.  He said no I don't think so.  Then I hit the nurse button she came in and kind of felt the same way Chris did.  They both tried to connivence me I might have pee'd on myself.  I new it was more than that....and well when I stood up about 20 minutes later those 2 finally believed me as it was the great flood!  I was super jazzed and thought to myself that things must finally be kicking into gear.  The nurse said she would let my doctor know, but to try and get some rest until she came in the morning.  I tried to sleep and did off and on.  Then around 6 I wanted pain meds, but didn't want to be talking crazy so I was trying to hold off.  Which if you know me is big because my MO since I found out I was prego was GIVE ME THE DRUGS!!  I am so pro drugs its not even funny! While I was analyzing if I should push the nurse button or not I heard this random dripping noise.

The Roberts' clan!

Doing some arts and crafts to pass the time!

MONDAY: January 16, 2012
Thankfully at 6:30 my new nurse came in and I asked her to turn on our light because I heard a funny dripping noise.  She thought I was crazy, but did it.  Sure enough there was a leak....and well they were going to move us to another room.  My doctor arrived a few moments after the leak only to find out that her last "trick" was to well break my water. Since that had happened we were well at a stand still!  YIKES!  Next thing to do was a c-section!!  I was pro that since after 2 days of "labor" nothing had changed.....and I just wanted to meet my sweet baby.

7:00: All our families had arrived for the big moment.  I was geared up as well as Chris.  We had packed our room to be moved while we were in the o.r.  Off we went!  Okay so I have seen c-sections on tv and stuff but man having one was so different.  I felt like I was at Nascar and the Pit crew was setting me up! It was crazy in there....FREEZING COLD, but crazy.  I got on the table for my spinal to be placed, well another fun adventure that was.  After the 7th attempt it was in! WHOO WHOO and I was being slammed down on the table.  Next thing I know Chris has arrived and is holding my hand ready to take pictures.  He did an amazing job taking pictures...I love him for that. From there it was all a flash, and our doctor was asking Chris to look and take pictures.  She then said...Well dad what is it?  He looks and looks and looks and I wait and wait and wait...then finally it comes.  "It's a GIRL?"  I immediately begin to cry...I couldn't believe it we had a baby girl!  She hardly even fussed either...they put her beside me on the warmer and began to clean her up.  We were so in love in such a few short seconds.  Truly it is amazing...

The awful shot I had to take prior to my c-section...
see I told you...

Now for picture OVER LOAD!  Meet Miss Harper Reese:  There are many more pictures to come...blogger didn't want to work for me, so this is all I got loaded! 

Welcome to the world Miss Harper!

 Harper and daddy!
 Harper and I headed to our room.

 Our first family picture

 All dolled up...
 Ready to head home! 

Internet is down

Okay I know y'all are just waiting to read all about MISS HARPER! Lol but our Internet is down and blogging on my phone well stinks. I have the post ready to go however it's missing all the great pictures. Hopefully today or tomorrow we will have Internet again! Believe me it is killin me. Plus I am missing reading all your wonderful blogs. Again the phone is just not the same...hope to post soon.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Welcome Harper!

Baby R has arrived!  Harper Reese was welcomed in to the world today!  6 lbs 13 oz 19 1/2 inches long.  More info to follow...we are so overjoyed and blessed! Thank you for all your sweet thoughts as we made this journey.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A little help here, please!

This was a cute one I found.

Tonight I thought I would be a good prego mom and start the search for a cute birth announcement!  YIKES!!!  I have read in many places to go ahead and have those picked out so all you do is add the picture and info.  This way while you are trying to feed and well survive those first few weeks you are not also spending hours searching the internet.  Here is the PROBLEM: there are a MILLION cute ones out there.  I mean how do you pick?  I want something cute and unique.  Also I am very much about a picture, I mean heck we waited 9 months to see that sweet face...why not plaster it EvErYwHeRe?

I also liked this one.

Thus I turn to you my blogging friends.  I normally use Shutterfly for all cards, photo books, and such but I am sure there are other options.  Please send your info my way, I am begging you.  I will accept anything from a web address to even dyi ideas!  I am sure you have a place you love to print cards from.  My sister is queen of cute cards, but she normally makes hers by buying templets and such.  A) I am not that talented yet. B) She doesn't use a mac, therefore I am not 100% comfortable trying that now.  I am sure as I learn from her and start trying on my own I could become a PRO like her....but not now!  Thanks for all the great ideas I really appreciate the help you have no idea.