Thursday was our FIELD DAY!!!! Field day Rocks. My kiddos have been chatting it up for about the last month now. When we had our impromptu Swine Cation, they were worried we may miss Field day. Thankfully it was not cancelled, just moved back a week. Having Field day the last week of May is a bit never know how HOT it will be. What a beautiful day for May 28th it was, I think the high was 84!
This years Field day went just as smooth as ever. Our PE teacher is AMAZING, Mrs. Gilbert....she has it planned down to the minute, it is crazy. We have many events, and since I am grade level chair (not by choice, I don't like being in charge really) we were the leaders of First grade. We walk as a grade level (like a parade line) from event to event to keep things in order.
Our events went as planned:
- 50 yard dash
- Sit on a Balloon
- 3 Legged Race
- Jump Rope Run
- Sack Race
- Water Balloon Toss
- Shuttle Baton Race
Each kiddo gets to chose 3 events to participate in. Of course, a few events are partner ones so they may get an extra event here and there. My kids did AMAZING! I can't believe how well they all did in each event. We took a ribbon from almost each one (being the competitive person I am that totally ROCKS). It is funny, because a few of my "slowest workers" ended up being our fastest runners. All in all each kid walked away with a wonderful ribbon, some with many! The weather was beautiful....and it was just a super fun day at Contreras! Now lets make it through the next 4 days and I will be jazzed. (sorry no pics here guys...its just too hard to only get pics of kids "with photo releases" and not get any of the "non photo release" know we have to be careful these days)