Sunday, May 10, 2009


(all of us just before Little B was born! Only pic of us all!)

I wanted to give a special little post to 2 amazing mothers. First of course would be my mom! She is amazing and taught me so many things in life. I have learned and become an amazing woman because of my mother. She always taught us how to be independent, strong, and helpful. I am the independent and strong willed (in a good way most days!) woman thanks to my mom. She has giving me so much in life I can't even begin to list them all. So my top 5 are:

  1. Would fight for me no matter what

  2. Guided me through any tough times

  3. Taught me to believe in myself

  4. Taught me good morals for life and helped me to see life is not always fair

  5. Loves me unconditionally

I love everything about my mom, even if we do butt heads because we are so alike!!

The 2nd mother is my SISTER ABBY!!! I hope one day to be just as amazing of a mom that she and my mother are. She lives for her sweet babies. When no day care would do, but she must work....she let me be the person who helped with Little E. Knowing she could no longer miss out on any part of E's life she made that HARD step. The step into full time mother hood! Being a mother is tough, however she makes it look so simple. She has managed to raise two AMAZING kiddos. They get to experience every part of life, and she sees to it that they do. There is no line she wouldn't cross to help her kids realize the joys of life! Happy Mother's Day my sweet sister!

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