Here is the little guy waiting for trick or treaters!
Winston kept on wondering where all the kiddos were at! I was telling him all day we would have visitors...poor guy and poor mommy, now we have tons of candy to eat!
Okay so yes, Chris and I love the YANKEES!! Well Chris' family have been Yankee fans for forever. He has drawn me over to the Yankees side too. Dilemma....Yankees vs. Rangers! Why is this a Dilemma? Well we live in Rangers Land, and yet they are playing the Yankees. Chris was lucky to receive tickets to Game 6. He was super JAZZED and I was pretty pumped too. We had amazing seats, right on the 3rd base line. On Friday we headed out to the game. I was the brave on in the family! Brave in the fact that I wore my YANKEES shirt to support the boys! Chris, well lets just say ummm not so brave. He declared he would have to fight off all the Rangers fans on my behalf anyways. We left early for the game, because we knew traffic would be pretty crazy. We also got to enjoy all the buzz around the stadium. Needless to say you all know how the game ended. The sweet Yankees couldn't pull it off!!! But man was it CrAzY when the RANGERS WON!!! The entire stadium was shaking because so many people were jumping up and down. Confetti was fly....EVERYWHERE!! The RANGERS were OVERJOYED to say the least, and the fans as well. It was a great experience even if our team didn't pull it off! We are also kind of small Ranger fans too! Plus it is fun that they have finally made it this far. Way to go RANGERS!! Here are so of the many pictures we took...sorry they may be a little Yankee heavy!!'n my Yankees gear!!
Just before the game...
Later on we met up with Chris' sister Whitney and Hunter. We joined them for the end of the game in Hunters families box. It was fun to enjoy the game with them. We always love seeing his sister...really we live so close we should see her more.
I have never seen so many people in the stadium before. It was crazy there!!!
The moment after my boy JETER struck out!! The party began....Look at the joy and excitement!
I am a bit sad because the picture of Chris and I didn't turn out very good at all. But here he is with Whitney!
I have a thousand pictures of the excitement...but these are just the ones I like the most!
Yes, it has arrived!!! Birthday-palooza….it begins with me, which I quickly went past. I tired not to even stop and celebrate but with my family that was hard. Needless to say I begin the BiRtHdAy MaDnEsS!
October: Next up is Timmy my new brother in law! His October 16th! The following day is my brother in law Brian’s birthday, on October 17th.
Then we have off about a week and a half before my sister’s birthday. She is a “SPOOKY” baby, October 31st. Holly cow this is just OCTOBER!
Moving in to November, the 1st would have been my grandpa’s birthday. Chris will be joining me in the BIG 3-0 LAND on November 9th!!
Then we hit up sweet B’s 3rd birthday on November 21st. He can tell you all about it, a TRAIN party!! How perfect for him.
Not but a few days after B is my wonderful mom.
December: we have Little Bear! I can not believe she will be 7!! Wow how time flies.
After Little Bear is the FATHER of the BRIDE’s big day.
Then it is one of my new sister in laws, Melissa’s birthday.
Finally the end of the month we have Chris’ father Steve!
Wheewwww I am worn out just typing all that. Can you tell that my next 2 1/2 months is going to be crazy. I didn’t even mention that Chris and I have to start figuring out Christmas gifts for family members and so much more! Do y’all have any crazy birthday madness? I have kind of already predetermined, WHEN (and no TIME SOON) Chris and I start working on a baby we will MAKE sure it’s not in the crazy BIRTHDAY season. That is if we get a say in things, ha.
Okay so life is full of dilemmas, but recently I have been posed with a new dilemma!!! As you have noticed lately my blogging well has been very RARE! That is not by choice I PROMISE. I actually have had many BlOgG-a-BlE moments. Thus the dilemma…………….my COMPUTER!!! Okay so it is on the fritz, last leg, or death bed as one would say!
Here I sit in a sad place as I am now faced with what to buy next! I have recently (okay for 3 weeks now) been searching for the BEST computer!
Here is what I am wondering? Please help me out!!! I mostly use my computer for: internet, blogging, and uploading my many millions (as Chris would state) of pictures. I thus have begun to wonder if PC or MAC is the best choice?
PC seems to be an average 2 to 3 year lifespan for me….which can add up. MAC starts off more costly, but may last longer?
What type of computer do you use? Do you lOvE it? Have you had it longer than 2 years?? PLEASE HELP ME OUT! If you do have a MAC do your blog straight from blogger? Do you have any problems blogging on the Mac? Since I have a PC I use windows live writer (a bit more user friendly when adding pics and such)to blog from. Thanks in advance…I can’t stand this NON-blogging life I am living in currently! Also I need to work on wedding photo books to save all our wonderful memories! AH AH AH!!!
Okay, so maybe the sky is not falling here! But my world has changed a bit! I have entered a new decade!! YIKES and I am not happy at all. This past week I turned 30! AHH AHH AHH I have been dreading this day for a while now.
However, my wonderful family came to town and helped me deny celebrate the big 3-0. We had a very busy weekend around town. We got to enjoy the Arboretum, Lily B. Walkathon & family night, pumpkin patch, and miniature train! BUSY BUSY BUSY to say the least! It was an AMAZING 30th even if I didn’t want to celebrate the big day! Thanks to my people for making it special. Love you all more than life.
Check out our weekend recap in pics!
It all began with a birthday dinner…
My favorite kind of cake, ice cream cake! Mmmm
C and B having a blast with the pumpkins. They pretty much moved every pumpkin in the place!
Oh the boys and their mommies! So cute, really!!
B “holding” C’s new little sister H! She is precious.
Enjoying some fun at Lily B for family night. Next dinner with E and Brian! E gave me a birthday gift she has been working on since the wedding this summer. It’s the heart in a gift that means the most!
A personalized bouncy ball! Who could want anything else? I LOVE LOVE LOVE it Little Bear, THANKS!
Off to the pumpkin patch…for annual pictures!
I love this one, daddy love!
Doesn’t she look precious here.
Nothing like a train conductor and popcorn! As cute as can be!!!
I love these 2 pictures, happy and then yelling!
The boys and then the girls!
Now this is how you “load” up a cart!!