So yeah I got a little behind…but now I am back trying to catch up on life! Story of our life over here! The holidays are always so busy and we don't get a break till after Miss H's birthday in Jan! Oh gosh and now we are adding Tiger in Feb! Looks like we will be busy for a while :-)
Hope everyone had a wonderful end to their 2014 we sure did. As always we took off to good old A-town for our Christmas break! We love going there and being surrounded by family and friends. Plus my mom and dad have been working really hard on the remodel of my grandparents house. They stopped sending my sister and I pictures about 4 months ago so we were dying to see the progress! They are almost done!!! It looks amazing and I love that soon we will be staying in my grandparents house when we visit from now on. I mean my grandpa built that house and we have such memories there!! Of course my sister and I are thrilled to share and begin memories for our kiddos there!!
The day we arrived it was snowing a bit! Miss H was excited about that. The past 3 Christmas' have been white ones…this year it was not but we did get a little before and a little after. Enough to say it did it but not enough to play so all the kiddos were a bit sad! Our typical Christmas trip went as planned for the most part! We arrived the day before Christmas eve and just hung out.
Nothing says welcome to Atown like a huge DUST storm |
Christmas Eve we were up early for our annual Santa picture! Yes, every year for my ENTIRE life I have been taking this Santa pictures. My mom forced my sister and I to do it…even through our teen age and college years when we protested!! My grandma always loved this pictures so it was on tradition that never stopped! Now that we have kiddos we continue it on, even thought my sweet niece is at the family Santa pic isn't cool phase! Don't worry I showed her all the pics I took when I thought it wasn't cool to prove it wasn't a choice lol. But it was funny to see my sister and I at 15 and 20 on Santa's lap :-)

We followed Santa up with traditional Christmas cookie making!!! This year it was extra fun because all the babies (minus baby M who is 4 months) were actually big enough to cut and decorate on their own. Dad was the roller (normally my job, but he enjoyed doing it for the kids) and I supervised cutting know making sure your cutter was on the dough and the edge so we could get the most out of it! The kiddos were our cutters!! I can honestly say I think this is the first year I have not been stuck decorating majority of the cookies on my own! My sister used to always sneak out on that part somehow and leave me to do it…not bitter here at all :-) The cookies turned out great and we had the perfect ones to leave for Santa of course!!

We ended our evening with a yummy Turkey dinner feast! This is our little Thanksgiving fun since we all do Thanksgiving else where. After dinner the kiddos of course had to get ready for bed and Santa. Cookies were picked, carrots were thrown out for the reindeer, and then sung in the bed they all went! Miss H was so cute this year asking questions about Santa. She was very concerned about how he would come and go and put everything. She is finally getting to the fun Santa age I think next year will be a blast. Who knows we may even get to see an elf on the shelf since she understands it more!!
Cookies for Santa and the Night Before Christmas being read!
Sweet baby M watching over the gifts as the bigs throw carrots out! |
Mom and Miss H dropping carrots….