Monday, March 24, 2014

Welcome to the CRAZY TRAIN!!

The day after I hosted Amy's shower Abby and crew showed up!  My sister and I had this great idea of taking all the kiddos to my parents in A-town!!  Begin laughing now….4 kids 6 hour drive and 1 kid that doesn't feel good! PARTY TIME

We officially named Abby's car the CRAZY TRAIN as you can imagine it was.  Poor E and B had to climb in and out from the very back door because the babies (H and G) took up the middle row!  Every where we went we would unload like a clown car and just laugh about it.  The drive to A-town was good until the last 1.5 hours when my child (the one not feeling good) declared "Out mommy out".  Yes she managed to yell and fussy that for the last 1.5 hours.  I felt so bad for everyone having to listen to her.  I tried all the tricks that normally work, but nothing would do except to get out.  That clearly was out of the question.

Once we arrived A-town everyone was happy to be out!!! Mostly to be away from screaming Miss H, ha.  We all settled in and were happy to be there.  The kiddos played and then off to be for our fun week in A-town.  Monday Miss H was still running a fever so I took her to the clinic…after 4 days of fever I knew something was wrong.  Even though the weekend nurse told me she didn't have a true fever and was probably fine.  Ha well no more than had they looked at her and we were out with meds to help her 1st case of strep throat! Poor sweet baby..and she lost about 3 lbs since her 2 year check.  Back to BB and Papa's for some r&r for my baby girl.  The bigs went to play mini golf with BB.  Abby's kiddos love mini golf and what better way to kick off spring break.

Tuesday we hit up the local donut shop DONUT STOP…our favorite ever!  The kids love to look at them while they make the donuts.  They also love to watch the fountain of icing that they run threw.  We then ran around A-town with mom and dad checking out all the stuff they are doing to the new house.  Mom and Dad have been remodeling my grandparents house for a while now and are finally picking out fun stuff.  After naps we hit up the park!  Oh the joys to just run free and be young!

Wednesday we met up with my bestie Amber at the Discovery center.  We had a blast.  I have to hand it to A-town the Discovery center is way better now than it was when we were kiddos.  We played there for about 2.5 hours.  Baby G couldn't get enough of the conveyor belt.  He loved to roll things on and off of it.  Miss H loved just running around after Edward (Amber's oldest boy).  After our fun we checked off another must do.  We at lunch at Kabuki…it sure was yummy!  Then home for naps because man these babies played hard.

Thursday we had to pack up and head back to our house.  We hit up Rosa's then packed up the kiddos and took off.  Both babies slept for the first 2 hours…may have slept longer but we had to do a bathroom break…remember the clown car :-)   We made it back in time for dinner and bed.  Poor Little Bear wasn't feeling amazing by the time we got home. Abby and the kiddos stayed with us then took off early Friday!

I have to say even with all the craziness of 4 kiddos, sickness, and long drives we had a blast.  I am glad my sister loves to take last minute trips like us.  Also that she let us stowaway with them!  Nothing is more fun than memories like this!! Oh and I am thankful none of the others got strep from Miss H!

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