Sunday, March 29, 2009

Back to work again....

Man what a week it was. I really did love my break from the kiddos at school, but it was wonderful to see their smiling faces on Monday. After taking any type of break it is always a bit hard to get back into the swing of things. However, with only 10 WEEKS left of school.....slowness is not an option.

Oh Monday....for me Monday's are NO FUN! I have morning duty at school, so I have to be there early and in the hall. Most people would love to have duty on Monday not I, I very much dislike it. Mostly because when I walk in on Monday my room has to be ready for kids, as I do not have time to work but instead duty. Therefore the Monday after a week break you can imagine would be hectic, but I had no idea! Per most Mondays I roll in around 7, and try to do a few last minute things till 7:30 when I must move to the hall.

Well when I walked in this Monday I was very sad and happy. Happy because over the break FWISD FINALLY chose to fix my very rippled carpet. I have had this "work order" placed since oh AUGUST.... Normally rippled carpet is no problem, however I have a wheelchair student. We (the therapist and I) have worked now for 2 years (I have had this student for 2 years now) on her becoming more independent as far as rolling around the room to where she needs to be. These ripples cause a very large problem for her, she has very weak upper body strength. Needless to makes it way harder on her than should be!

SAD because my room was in shambles! As you can imagine, putting my room back in order was not on their list apparently! I mean my teacher table was on the opposite side of the room for gosh sakes. All of the student tables were in the front corner by my new PROMETHEAN board (which you must treat like gold...we love it). It is as if these MEN (I have to assume they are men for their lack of detail) did not even pay attention to how the room looked when they walked in. Needless to say, we must strive on through all our small challenges. My challenge was to make a class room that had been emptied, look as it did prior to break. The most wonderful thing about kids though is that they adapt pretty well to new situations. My students were great for the most part with our small obstacle. They helped me move tables and chairs to their normal home, only settings us back on "instructional time" by about 20 minutes.

As for the rest of the week, well it was busy and flew bye. I feel as though now is the point when everything begins to run away and you can't catch it. We still have a lot to do in class to get everyone ready for 2nd grade, but we will make it there I am sure. The thing that is really stressing me out most is not that I have 6 kids who need to speed up their words per minute, but that I still am unsure about my job for next year. I have applied to 6 other districts and without hesitation I am going to begin attending job fairs here in April. Until then I will just hope by some miracle someone at my school either quits or retires...which as of now is about a billion in 1 chances!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

I feel your pain with the mixed up classroom. (although I technically didn't have to deal with it!)