Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring Break ROCKS!!

Yes, finally I have made it to spring break. I have really been looking forward to this week for sometime. Why? A break from school (always a bonus); and my sweet niece and nephew! I can't believe that I have not seen E or B since Christmas...such a busy year! They have had tons going one and well....once Chris and I got Mr. Winston, traveling stopped! However, this small little trip has giving me 3 days of ROCK'N AUNTIE FUN!!!!

Friday: Abby and the kiddos got to town about 7:30 pm. We kicked our weekend off right with some ROSA'S! I met Abby and the kids at Rosa's (their favorite and they don't have one in E C), quickly followed with a trip to see Winston.

E and B both have a sweet dog, Bailey. However, Bailey Dog is much older and a larger dog. E was so totally jazzed to see Winston, but little dogs are not her thing. B loved Winston! He kept doing the sign (patting your leg) for dog the whole time we were playing with him. The funniest thing is when Winston stands up on his back legs he is about as tall as B. They are perfect for each other. E did warm up to Winston. She kept saying, "I love that guy, but he runs and jumps a bunch." We had a great night....and many plans for our next couple of days!

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