As you know from my Easter post we headed down to my parents for the weekend. The trip was a blast and Miss H had many first there. Being as it was her first trip to BB and Papas she had a very busy schedule. The trip started off great, I was a little nervous because it was Miss H's first time to fly. Okay I wasn't as nervous as I was for our flight home. I mean on the way there I had Chris to help me, but on the way home it was just us girls. Anyways, we all did great. I say we all because flying for the first time with a baby is a whole learning process. Security is different, gate checking is different and well we made it through all of it without any fussing! I am sure the lady beside us on the plan was thankful Miss H didn't fuss. She actually slept for most of the flight.
Once we were in A-town we got to enjoy just chilling out. Miss H got to visit Papa up at work. She loved it there....ha ha and she even walked away with a little souvenir!
Then on Easter Chris and my Dad enjoyed a nice cooler round of golf. I think Chris may have wished he packed never fails that Easter in A-town it is either cold or snows. Thankfully this trip it was just cold. While the boys were golfing mom, Miss H, and I had a girls breakfast. It was nice to just enjoy eating out with mom....we went to Crackle Barrel, so we also got to do some shopping there. Later that afternoon the boys arrived home and we began our Easter lunch. They had a good time golfing and Chris even won some cash from the gang. I am sure dad's golfing group is glad he only brings Chris out every once and a while. The day ended up so nice that we had to enjoy some pictures outside while dad grilled.

Chris left us to head home for work, but Miss H and I got to stay the rest of the week. It was good getting to visit mom at home. I mean she has been down here so much helping me since Miss H was born. Mom and I got busy working on my grandparents estate stuff. We are still trying to get everything figured out. That is the sad thing about when your loved ones pass....then your left to figure out where everything goes and how to make it equal for all. Plus mom and dad bought grandma and grandpa's home
(I refer to it as the summer home)....which I love! I couldn't imagine anyone else living there....but it needs some major up dating. Mom, Miss H, and I worked on cleaning up and wrapping up some projects around the "summer" home.
Our time home went way to fast and before you know it we had to head home. I know Chris missed us while we were away...but I know he also enjoyed some time to himself. Heading home our flight was not 100% full so we got to take Miss H's car seat on the plane. That was wonderful because she just slept like a champ. Security was a little more tricky just because I was short 2 hands...but we managed fine. All in all it was a fabulous trip home. Now I can't wait for mom and I's next adventure. We are headed down to Austin next weekend for
The Countryliving fair! This is the first time they have held it in Austin, it looks to be great!