Friday, April 27, 2012

Oh heavens

Okay so just like any good mom, I am going to post about Miss H's huge blow out! Ha, well we have already discussed her blow outs at home.  This blow out was probably the first of many on the road ones. After finishing up birthday breakfast with Chris' family Miss H gave us a very huge present.  We heard her enjoying herself in the back seat.  Of to which Chris was laughing....It is pretty impressive the noise such a small little thing can make.

The problem: We were driving home from at least a 40 minute ride!  I can not stand to let her sit in a dirty diaper like that for 40 minutes.  The next problem, she gets fussy when its dirty.  Thus Chris and I made a deal to stop by a certain road if she had not fallen asleep. Thank the lord she was still awake.  Now keep in mind we did not REALIZE what we had on our hands.

We pull over, I go to get Miss H out of the car.  Chris went into the gas station...not thinking I was going to need him.  OH MAN was I wrong.  No more than I had gotten her out of her car seat did I realize what a HUGE BLOWOUT we had on our hands.  Poor sweet baby....she had on 3, THREE, layers and managed to blow right through them all.  She had on her onesie, leggins, and a skirt!

Here is a pic from brunch of what she had on:
Not the best facial expression but you can see the outfit.
 She has pink leggings under that skirt!
Thank the lord I had thrown in a not cute burp cloth...not sure why I did that day but man was I happy.  I lay her on the floorboard of the car and begin to try and well clean her up.  Problem is when it is that bad there is not ONE good way of getting that onesie off without poo going all the way up her as you try.  When Chris returned from the store, he found me a little stressed and well some nasty leggings and skirt on the ground outside the car door.  We managed to get the poor baby cleaned up!  However, her car seat was hit too!!

Therefore this mommy....who is does not like to wash poo out of clothes couldn't dare put another outfit on only to be pooed up from the car seat.  Miss H got to ride home in only her diaper!  Hey but she slept like a champ the whole rest of the way home!  Here's our sweet little naked baby!

All of her clothes are nicely wrapped in paper towels in the bag!
I'm a pro at getting out poop if you need help, ha.

Notice how the burp cloth is covering the "damaged" area....what a mess!

1 comment:

Jen {Pinch Me} said...

I laughed all the way through this! What are your tips for poop stains? We have had a few doozies ourselves :)