Saturday, November 03, 2012

Halloween Treats

Miss H and I began our Halloween fun with a trip to my sweet old school.  She got to dress up and go around with all the kids in the story book parade.  Everyone loved seeing her and I loved seeing all my old students.  Man they have grown....and man do events like this help me to enjoy being a stay at home mommy.  It is funny how quickly that teacher comes back in you and the stress of it all too! AHH so thankful I can be home with my sweet Miss H.

After the story book parade Miss H and I loaded up and took off for Plano.  My best good friend  from high school, Amber, had gone into labor (finally 3 days overdue).  My sister and I were super excited because they would share a birthday.  I mean come on if you have to have a birthday on a holiday Halloween is pretty cool! As my sister would say....everyone decorates for her special day!  We arrived just in time to find out she had her baby.  They like us keep it a surprise and many was I pulling for a girl.  Amber already has a sweet little boy and I wanted her to get bows in her life :-)

Welcome to the world MR. ELI TUCKER!
The happy mom and dad

H and were out of luck on the girl...but man was he a cutie pie.  I am so thankful to have gotten to see him in those first few hours.  I loved being there to feel the joy and love grow with their family.

After loving on Amber and her family we had to head home for our FIRST trick or treating with Miss H.  Thankfully she got a very nice nap on the way home.  Where Chris and I live we are not so lucky with trick or treaters.  In the past  3 years of living in this neighborhood there has been a TOTAL of maybe 10 trick or treaters.  I don't even buy candy because we know we will end up eating it all! Thus we had to figure out where to take Miss H.  I mean I wanted to get good pictures for gosh sakes...who cares about the candy!  We headed over to a friends neighborhood and began the fun there.
Our first little family halloween picture

Daddy and his little Piggy
Her first door....what a fun treat it was
Wondering why we are doing this crazy thing!
At first Miss H kept looking at Chris and I like why the heck are yall passing me off and taking me to strangers....then why is the stranger ooohhhing and ahhhing over me.  But by about the 6th house she realized it was pretty fun.  I mean heck she got to pick out a candy from a bowl at each house.  She was a pretty good picker too, almost always getting one that Chris and I love.  I can't wait till next year when she can walk up and say trick or treat!  Hope your Halloween was full of treats too!

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