Monday, August 31, 2009
Am I running already?
Day 1 and 2 seem like such a blur to me now. I really don't remember much, but what I do is great. I have 22 smiling faces that arrived to greet me. Many of the faces were old familiar ones, but I do have 3 new kiddos that have never been to our amazing school. They seemed the most nervous about coming in. TEARS TEARS TEARS!!! This year I am proud to say I did NOT have one sweet angel that cried or ran. (although you think run....well one year I had a runner for 2 months) The day started off pretty smooth even with my special little friend who has come back to join our school. I think of all the kiddos he proved to be the best!
Day 3, 4, & 5....were nothing but settling in. You know with K and 1st the first week is PROCEDURES PROCEDURES PROCEDURES!! From day one you really have to beat that into them or your year will be CRAZY! Thankfully my kiddos had very good teachers last year so we just jumped into them. The week flew by with out a pause, which again concerns me on the PACE of my year. I just hope that I can keep up with it each year it seems to be faster and more jammed packed with things to do. As of now, I will just keep RUNNING...and hope I get some extra motivation on the way.
One things for sure this class is going to keep me on my toes. We have 2 class clowns...every class needs at least one. One of which knows when to be funny and when not to; the other is just funny regardless. I have 3 mothers helpers. You know the type, will OVER help people even when not needed. I have some amazing writers. They will be my book worms for sure. I also have a very creative class. I believe it is my most "artistic" class yet, man can they draw. This will be amazing when we have to illustrate our class books and such. Needless to say each child in there is sure to add to our group. I am very lucky to have such a diverse bunch. We are going to Rock for sure this year!!!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Amazing pictures....

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Camp Mayberry you are amazing.....

- clean out my classroom
- attend work with no worries
- worked through lunch breaks
- stay up at school until 10 pm or later
Yes normally I am not the one who does afternoon potty breaks so I will also include Chris' thank yous....He has been able to work all day setting appointments with no regards as to potty breaks. Our life could have been so stressful right now, however instead it is very simple. I sure hope the little guy will come home without kicking and screaming. Oh gosh and life without a doggy door could be a sad moment for him! Poor thing, living the DREAM, and then back to reality. ENJOY IT NOW BABY, only 3 more weeks!!! (that is if you still act nice to your wonderful counselor Little Bear!)
I have never been in this position before...I don't know if it is because I got to stay in my same classroom (for the 1st time), or the fact that I can work later. Non the less I am sitting here on Thursday night 3 days before school begins blogging....NOT WORKING ON SCHOOL STUFF!!! This is the best feeling I have had in my 5 years. My room is complete minus one bulletin board (still not sure what to do there) and name tags being taped down to desk (my roster will keep changing til tomorrow afternoon). Tomorrow is normally my OH MY GOSH WHAT WILL I DO...moment! Not this year, instead it will be the day I calmly sit in my ready to go classroom and work on the next couple of weeks lesson plans! Even when Abby came down last weekend she could not believe how far along I was. Again I probably wouldn't be in this position if I had a sweet face (such as the one above) that I needed to go home and let out. THANK YOU!!!
I am very much looking forward to seeing all those sweet faces on Monday morning; but also know this will probably be my most challenging year. Yes in the past years I have had many challenges with language....but this year I have been blessed with a special friend that will require extra help. I am thankful to know what I am being faced with, but until that 1st day or even week is over I wont really be ready. This year is sure to be amazing no matter what; each year always out does the past whether it be stories, crazy moments, kids, or all of the above. I can't wait!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
One last fun weekend....
working hard...thanks to E for taking this pic!
While she got her hair done, the kids and I played at home. Well actually B took a great nap! E and I continued "school" till mommy got home. Then we were off to run around town till Brian came in. After we picked him up we enjoyed a great dinner. Saturday will be know to E as one of the best days ever!!! We checked out play systems (B's favorite thing) and then went to SIX FLAGS. Yeah it was a bit warm but we go in the evening so once the sun is gone things rock. Little Bear was so cute this time. She really enjoyed playing the "Big Sister" role. She would take B on all the rides and sit with him. She held his hand and told him about each ride. It was the cutest thing ever. Of course B and I hung out when Abby, Brian, and E did the "Big Kid" rides like Mine Train and such.
Oh Little B is so jazzed to have Winston, he loves him so much.
All loaded up...kennel, bed, and much more!!!
Sunday we did our norm of packing them up and such. Then they took my sweet baby with them!!! Yes, Winston took off with the family! He has gone to CAMP GOERIG! I was very sad of course to see him head out. You may be asking WHY? The next 3 weeks really are a CRAZY time for both Chris and I. We had thought about different options for him, and well Abby and the kids really wanted him to come down. Plus they have such a great place for our city dog to run FREE! Both Chris and I's jobs revolve around the beginning of school and well Winston would have been a sad puppy! Instead of having a sad puppy we sent him with the loved ones. He will love life there. I am just worried he wont want to come home! What if he loves them more than me? Oh I know why Abby has to have "Auntie Detox" once I leave the kids for a while. I think Winston may need that when he returns too....I just hope he doesn't forget about me his MOMMY!!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Congrats Chad and Katie!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
No way this is a stadium...
When you walk out to the seats the field looks so little. I think it because the of huge TV and all the seats. If you look in this pic the white papers show that those seats that are available to buy.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
A little GIRL time
Monday, August 10, 2009
Apple oh Apple how I hate you so
Just before my grandfather passed away my phone decided to also go...leaving me stuck in a very hard spot. I didn't have tons of time to research the IPHONE....or to just stick with my wonderful Blackberry. You see I will always be PRO Blackberry. I have had such wonderful times with my BB. Yes, I did go through 2 of them but still they really never failed me too much. As Chris would claim my BB died from OVER USE!!! I just don't know how he can state this I mean heck if our President can use one and it still live, mine should live too. Point being is that honestly I had the phone for 2 years and well it just was done.
Therefore, going against my inner gut feeling (which you should always follow) I did as my BROTHER IN LAW suggested and got the new Iphone. Let me tell you about my "wonderful amazing" Iphone. I had the phone for less than a week when all of a sudden it would FREEZE up....and I don't mean for a minute or so but for any where from 30 minutes to an hour or more. That was the first problem. The second problem was the battery life SUCKS! Okay yes I do use my phone a lot especially since it is summer and I am not working, but really it should last from 9 am to 10 pm with no problem. Oh not my phone, I have been doing mid day charges. That causes a problem too because I was told from the wonderful amazing AT&T boy who sold it to me that they only last for so many charges and then the battery is done! Oh great so now my battery life is being cut in half if not more. Did I also mention that you can not get insurance on the phone...yeah so if it acts up after that 1 year warranty your out of luck buster.
I called the wonderful amazing (by now you should read that phrase with sarcasm) AT&T people to discuss my problems. The customer service person claims to have reset the phone. Yeah so that made my phone last oh about 4 to 5 more days before it began freezing up again. I mean really what now. I am 2 weeks in to this wonderful amazing Iphone and still having issues. Therefore, I called back to the AT&T people who sent me to their Apple support person. He of cores "reset" the phone (okay how in the H*** can you do that via the airwaves really...I don't believe that crap one bit, plus already had that done by the first lady) and proceeded to set up and appointment with the Apple store in Fort Worth.
I now go the Apple store...which is ridiculously busy. Here I am ready for the people to work miracles on my less than 2 week old phone. What did they do....a freaking software update; which I can do on my computer at home. Also should a less than 2 week old phone need an update already! Apparently that was the problem...and they send me away with hopes of a wonderful amazing phone!
NO, NO, NO....not the case less than a day goes by when the phone freezes up 3 more times in one day. I am now beyond PISSED about this and call the AT&T people again. I am then told that if I would like to exchange the phone I must do it at the store I bought it from. GREAT I am taking this POS back. I also make sure that every one of my call ins to the AT&T support center (which is over 6 calls in) are noted in the computer. You know so when I show up at the store they will understand my frustration. Here I am at the store...where I get told so much BS it is out of control.
- No they will not exchange my phone for a working Iphone.
- I have to go through APPLE for any issues regarding my phone (even though customer service told me otherwise)
- If I were to exchange the phone for a different type I would have to pay a 20% restocking fee.
- They can not help me with my problem even though it is well with in my 30 days of purchase
ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! You can imagine how incredibly pissed off I am at this point. I mean the manager was a complete butt head to put it nicely. Here I go again calling AT&T customer service, good old 611 ....Where I explain to them that basically my AT&T store (the one on Hulen by Yogi's) declared that the information I was given by the customer service people was not correct; and they could only help me if I EXCHANGED for another brand of phone. Well this of course pissed the customer service person off and they AGAIN sent me to the APPLE person to help me....Keep in mind I have now talked with these people over 6 times!!!
I got another appointment set up for the Apple store in Fort Worth for 7 pm that I go off to my appointment. I go to "check in" with this wonderful amazing woman....and she claims I DO NOT have an appointment. I of course am stunned by this because actually yes I do. She continues to argue with me about this very rudely. As I stood there listening to this woman tell me how I was wrong...I simply call 611 a number I can dial in my sleep now to speak with an AT&T APPLE associate. The apple associate declares I DO have an appointment and ask to speak with the APPLE woman that claims I don't. As I had her the phone she says "what who wants to talk to me your mom?" I of course nicely say no the apple people. She continues to have attitude with the man on the phone as well. Then passes the phone back to me saying she will not help me any longer and I do not have an appointment.
Actually I did, the Apple Store just over rode it and placed someone else in my slot. The man was very apologetic about it all and could really feel my frustration with this whole ordeal. He then rescheduled my appointment. He also informed me that he would be sending the wonderful amazing woman at the store a nice "coaching" letter!
As for TODAY!!!! I walked into the Apple Store, where I had a successful "check-in" and waited. I waited, waited, waited, waited, and waited some more. You can watch your name on the list...mine was at the number 2 spot for what seemed forever. Finally it was my time, but I was not greeted by the normal apple person in a bright green or blue shirt. Instead an older man who wore more of a manager type shirt. He walked right up and began asking me about my phone. He claims that since the apple phone is a computer it will freeze up occasionally, however numerous times in a day is a problem. He then takes me to the genius bar (tech area for you non apple people), and runs a few test. After some time and reading my many many call in notes, he believes I must have been given a "bad" phone. I of course am not shocked by this information. Now to replace the phone...oh well we couldn't do that tonight because they didn't have any white ones in stock. However, by Wednesday I should have a working phone. As the Apple man tells me just before I walk out.....I promise you will love this phone once you get one that works correctly.
Will I ever LOVE Apple the way others do....we will see!