Little Bear was really excited to show BB all her new swim moves. We took BB with us to the pool...she loved watching the moves. Here is the back stroke!
After the pool of course we got a sno cone! (I forgot that pic..grrr and this blogger sucks at pics) We got sno cones every day so much they knew what to make when we walked up. MMM I love wonderful sno cones. Then mom had read about making bubbles from things around the house. She and Little Bear got to work and began cutting. The next thing I know we had bubbles...
Since we were already outside we just stayed and played. Little Bear did a little hula. BB and I tried but the hoops are too small for us to get a good hula on. This here is how we spent most of our afternoons if we were not at the pool. I think there was just one day we were stuck inside due to rain. Other wise you saw kids playing and a certain someone hauling around a golf club and ball.
You must share the bubble tricks! I think my class needs to try that...and probably K too! :)
Okay I would love to take the credit but mom read about this in a magazine. It's vey simple. Just get a bottle or milk bottle. We used the milk bottle from Mcdonalds and a mini Gatorade. I thinn my school milk bottles would work great. Cut the bottom off then take a wash cloth. Again I thinn the cheap ones will make the bubbles separate more but you can try any kind. Place the was cloth on the bottom where you cut it open, we use like3 rubberbands.
Get your wash cloth a lite damp, not soaked. Then place joy or dawn soap on a plate. Dip your bubble maker on the plate a. Then blow from the drinking should have bubbles like crazy. I will look and see if ihavea close up pic of the "bubble" maker so you can kinda see it better. The best part is you dont have all the dripping mess like most bubbles. And clean up is easy!
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