Happy Fall all!! I can finally say that because the past week we never made it above 80 whoo whoo that is big in our "fall" category. Yes next week I am sure we will be hot again but man am I loving this fall weather. The past few weeks have been crazy packed with all our Fall Halloween activities. I can't believe its already November….where has our year gone! Crud soon we will be adding another kid into this crazy life! TIME SLOW DOWN!!!
The past month of October proved to be another crazy busy one for us. I think we only had 1 weekend with nothing planned. We started the week off with my best friend from elementary school visiting. We so wish we lived closer but she is back home in A-town. We are always over joyed to have and the boys visit. It was a great time short and packed full of fun. Of course the highlight was the zoo trip with the kiddos.
After Amber and the boys visited we then jumped on the Mommy birthday week :-) Yes in our house you get the week to celebrate and pick food. Lol Well since Tiger pretty much hates all things food STILL so my dinner choices weren't too fun for the family. No worries we did hit Road house my fav for bread and potatoes. Best things were my mom came down for our annual shopping fun. I love that our jr. league puts on a little Christmas shopping weekend. I love it and mom and I have gone the past 2 years so I convinced her to come again :-)
Just before our shopping fun we had our anatomy check sono for Baby Tiger (20 week check). I was happy mom was here for this adventure. I don't the last time she was there for a newer up to date sono….Baby Tiger checked out to look perfect. Everyone got pictures even Miss H. I love my dr they make such a big deal out of her being a big sister. She always gets her own pictures to hold and love on!! :-) Then mom, Miss H, and I took off to shop and enjoy the day!
The weekend was even more fun when Queen Tia and crew loaded up and joined us! Miss H loves her cousins and we can't get enough of new baby M. It's a good start for her to love on a little since she will have one here soon. Of course our big fun was the train in town all ways happiness for all ages.
The love from these 2 is so amazing…they truly adore each other. I am so thankful Miss H has a cousin so close in age to her. Also that she got to show daddy Baby M for the first time!
Once the crew left it was time for us to begin our packing again! Yep we were headed out of town for Chris' best friends wedding! Both Chris and Miss H were part of the wedding. The wedding was in Las Cruces, NM. We had a blast. Chris' family was there which made it even more fun! Plus all of his high school buddies that he doesn't see often since we live in Texas and most are in Nebraska still! Needless to say Miss H made it down the isle as a flower girl perfectly and Kelly and Z looked amazing! The wedding was picture perfect so happy we could celebrate with them.
At the airport ready for our weekend of fun!
Ha it wasn't until we arrived to NM that I realized we all wore a similar blue!
She can find a baby anywhere to love on…this one is one of Chris' high school friends son, he was adorable.
Aunt Riri making Miss H all pretty!
The bride and groom |
with the boy she walked down the isle with |
Once we where home it was our free weekend. I really can't even remember what we did! Ha I think it involved sleeping and football watching. No worries I am sure it was fun, lol
Happy Halloween week! This is also a fun week for my SISTER!! Happy Birthday Queen Tia, yes she is a halloween baby! Needless to say this week was all things fall festival and halloween related. For our music class all the kiddos got to wear their costumes! I love seeing everyone all dressed up. We attend 3 little festivals through out the week then of course had our Friday night of trick or treating fun. Our neighborhood had a great system this year, I am thankful for good neighbors. They loaded a trailer for all the babies and we drove around on a hay ride…with the adults at the end of the driveway passing out candy. It makes trick or treating way easier for our country neighborhood since ever house is on an acer! Last year I think we made it to about 6 before the little was too tired from all the walking lol!

I adore this picture so much for many reasons!!! One this is our sweet neighbor who we love. Two these girls will be best friends for ever which makes my heart so happy! They really adore each other and play very well together for 2 year olds :-) Can't you just feel the friendship in this picture?
I forgot to mention we moved H's bed to a semi-toddler bed arrangement. Since Baby Tiger will be taking over the nursery we are working on Miss H moving out. We need to move the play room aka toys up stairs and then she will have her Big Sister room!! Step one sleeping in a "non" crib bed lol, ghetto style.
Ha ha our family picture from one of the festivals! I took a picture of the picture so it's not the best quality
Our zoo hosted a pumpkin decorating contest. You decorated a pumpkin and then they picked some to be displayed during Boo at the Zoo! My sweet baby's pumpkin got picked to be on display. She did every bit of the decorating her self (minus hot glue and cutting). She was very excited to see her pumpkin when we went to Boo at the Zoo! This was her elephant Sarah!
The final weekend of the month Chris got to be super dad! I am tournament director for Arlington Tennis Association and well we host 2 tournaments a year. This year it fell on Halloween weekend, blah making Sat morning very early for me! Thankful that Chris took Miss H for the whole weekend because I couldn't do it without him. Plus its good for her to get some major daddy time since she is in serious mommy neediness right now! Not sure why but she hates for me to leave, must be another fun phase of 2! Happy October to you all!!