Monday, December 01, 2008

First Month Down!

Well I think I can officially say that my first month of blogging has gone pretty well. I mean 14 post in one month seems great to me. Now, I am not sure it was all interesting and amazing but I tired. I do know it is my boyfriends favorite thing I do (please reread that with much sarcasm). He seems to not understand the blogging world. He says why don't you just call them and ask about their life. MEN! However he does enjoy reading them once I post. The real problem is the "following." The other day he asked how many blogs I follow...I gave him my number (13, which I feel is low) and he has banned me from following anymore blogs. I will just have to be a sneaky follower from here on!


Abby said...

Excellent Blogging for month one. We have just discovered we do not have free wifi at the hotel, so your blogging may slow while at dw!

I of course have no idea how many blogs I stalk...but now that so many people I actually know are writting blogs, it's a lot. Better just not to count!!

Aggie98 said...

Keep it up! I love reading your blog! I stalk about 20 at least, so don't feel bad!!!

Alyssa said...

You are doing awesome, I think I did TWO my first month.

13 is not bad, my mom "stalks" at least that many people that she doesn't even know!