Sorry us girlies have been MIA but we headed to Mayberry. What you don't know where Mayberry is...oh that is my sisters little town she lives in. It's a fun little town outside of Houston, we refer to it as Mayberry because it has all your small town charm. Anyway, Miss H, mom, Winston, and I all took off last week for Mayberry.
You see Chris had to be out of town for work all week. Originally Miss H and I were going to join him....he went to Atlantis! However, his company took their sweet time announcing the winners and well he got a week notice of the trip. Yes, he WON the trip isn't that AwEsOmE!!! Needless to say flights were a little pricy for me with a week notice so instead we went to Abby's. Not really the Atlantis, but Little Bear and Monkey loved having us. Down fall to the trip was that well we had to take the DOG with us since Chris was gone too. Normally people would not mind such a thing however, our dog gets um CAR SICK! Yes, so what does one do.....CALL IN YOUR MOM!!
As a daughter don't you always call your mom when you have a problem or need help. Well, I do and thankfully she is retired now and can come to my begging call! HA HA HA, no really I love that she can come and be with us when we want her. Mom's are the best, even if they make you a little crazy sometimes, they are still your go to person. Mom headed down on Sunday so we could leave on Monday. Now, traveling with a 5 week old and a car sick dog that has to get drugged takes a little longer than normal. We made it there in about um 5 hours....should take 4. Miss H had to stop and eat and Winston needed a few potty breaks.
While there in Mayberry we didn't do much of anything. Miss H got to enjoy her cousins Little Bear and Monkey. They loved having her. Monkey was in her face (literally) the whole time. He loves her and loved to keep a poop count each day. Little Bear had school so she was a bit bitter about not getting to play with Miss H all day, but did enjoy her after school. They are so good with her which is WONDERFUL since my sister is expecting NUMBER 3 in August!!! They are calling their soon to be baby Noodle. I am so excited that Miss H will have a cousin close in age to her. I mean Little Bear is 8, and Monkey is 4 which isn't bad but one that is only a few months behind can't hurt right?
So I am an awful mom, and left the camera at home. Mostly so if Chris wanted to take it on his trip he could. Also I knew my sister had one we could use! Well, we really didn't "use" it much. I guess life with 3 kiddos running around kept us pretty busy. Here are pics I took with my Iphone, hey at least I got some proof of the trip.
Chunky cheeks is ready to head out... |
Cousin B, Monkey, loving on sweet H |
This is how he spent most of his week...IN HER FACE! |
 | favorite part of Mayberry minus the family |
Little Bear finally home from school...ready to play |
Miss H loving the pack 'n' play bed....she slept well "flat" as my mom would say.
Our pack 'n' play has a new born is more like sleeping in a snuggled position. |
Miss H enjoying some play time with Baby Jesus by her side. All the babies (dolls that is)
had to come out for some play time. Baby Jesus is Monkeys baby! |
She took a little nap while Monkey and I played Candy Land. He won like normal. |
Oh and the boys....they had fun too! Winston loves being a country dog |
Little Bear helping Miss H out |
Enjoying some play time....with her Tia shirt on |
So sweet I love both of these pics |
Headed up to the hospital to check on Baby Noodle...My sister is expecting! |
Mom and Miss H taking naps together. Miss H loving the circa 2003 swing! |
We took some with Abby's camera while we were there, but I don't have them yet....I'll up load them later!
On Sunday mom, Winston, Miss H, and I all loaded up to head home. We thought we would leave around 10...well once everyone was in the car it was about 10:10. Not bad I thought. Then I stopped for gas on the way out of town only to hear.....what is know as the explosion (Miss H pooping) in the back seat. Not even out of town and we were already taking a potty break...less than 3 minutes from my sisters, really? Welcome to life with a 6 week old! All cleaned up and out of town by now much for our 10:00 am departure. Then Miss H had to eat 2 times on the way home (see we traveled in the late evening on the way...better idea). Thus our 4 hour drive took us um 6, but we made it. Thanks to mom and her wonderful help we made it. I will never travel with child and dog on my own! When Miss H needs to eat Winston needs to potty...thus it takes 2 people to manage that.
Mom has left us again, BOOOO! I am sure my father would like her to stick around a little longer this time. Now we are back home kicking as normal, well almost normal. I say almost because um our house, yeah we put it back on the market. I guess you could just say I like things to be "busy". I mean who doesn't like to keep their house spotless when they have a newborn at home! HA HA HA!!