Monday, December 20, 2010

Come along with us....

to ICE and the North Pole Express!!!  This weekend my sister and co where here so we did some fun Christmas activities.  Thanks to Kara, my sister's good friend we all headed out for ICE at the Gaylord Texan.  Funny that we live so close to this event and have never gone.  Now I can check it off our list.  This year the Gaylord's ICE event was all about Peanuts.  If your in the area before January I really recommend that you check out ICE.  It is amazing what a team of men from China can do with 2 million pounds of ice.  (PS. its 9 degrees in there so dress warm)  Instead of words on this one I will use pictures...

  If you would like more pictures you can head over to Kara's blog too!  Also stay tuned for our trip to the NORTH POLE!!!

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