Chris' Aunt and Uncle who hosted our Thanksgiving, along with his mom and sister
Chris and Riley....she really loves him. What a cute picture!
Chris, Whitney, and Timmy
Grandma Honey and us
Thanksgiving was amazing. Chris' aunt Nanette made the most wonderful meal, really. We enjoy our day over at the Bros' household. Lots of old pictures were looked through, plenty of wine drank, and enough food to feed us for the week. We got to see all of Chris' cousins, grandma, and friends. Apparently on Thanksgiving in Omaha everyone goes out, we joined many of his old friends. We had a great time at this piano bar with penny pitchers. However, the night ended quickly when we received a picture from his older sister. She and her kiddos flew in late that evening....Chris and Whitney couldn't wait to see their nieces.

Friday.....BLACK FRIDAY!!! Well in my family it is tradition to be up at 3 am and ready to shop. However, we flew (so no items really could go back with us) and Chris' family didn't really do the BLACK FRIDAY shopping. So this is probably the first time I have slept in on Friday. It was great. Then we got to spend some wonderful time with Chris' older sister and her girls. They don't head this way much being as they live in Maine. Late Friday night we headed back to Minnesota.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
Saturday was great we spent the entire morning playing Wii. The Wii is such a great family fun toy. Chris, Riley, Steve, and I enjoyed trying all the games from Wii fit to Mario Cart. I personally really am loving the Wii fit. Thankfully for Christmas Chris' dad gave him a Wii, early. The rest of the afternoon we shopped and enjoyed our last day. To wrap up the trip we got the most amazing snow fall ever. I mean I love snow but these flakes were HUGE! It snowed all night Saturday and into Sundy morning. What better way to end a vacation?
Chris and I had a fabulous time and were sad to leave everyone. However, I now have to finish sub plans for this weeks big trip to Disney and Chris has to work. So back to the REAL boo. We hope to head back to Minnesota soon.