Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The smartest girl I know....

Sweet LITTLE BEAR is the smartest girl I know. Okay so maybe since she is my niece I think this more than others but really she is. As most know Little Bear attends a preschool in her home town...this is her 2nd year there and next year she will go on to Kindergarten. Therefore her teachers have begun pushing sight words and reading. Well if there is on thing E loves to do it is read. She has loved to read from birth. I believe that this is because she had an AMAZING AUNTIE reading with her pretty much daily (Okay her mom likes to read too). I think it was at about 1 1/2 when she could pretty much read Goodnight Moon on her own. Now when I say on her own, I mean she like most kids who are learning to read memorize their favorite books. She knew this book inside and out; and even added a few lines of her own. Good night bears sitting in their chairs, with no table (she always added the with no table).

Okay so I shall get to the point here, right! E's teachers sent home about 56 sight words (sight words are words you just have to know...they can't be sounded out like the, should, cinch etc). They had broken them up into list that were to be memorized. Well the teachers wanted the kids to try and learn the sight words by the end of the year....E has done it she had learned all 56 words already! Yes that is right, she is BRILLIANT. Since she completed the list she is now on to BOOKS!!! Rock on LITTLE BEAR! (for the complete story by Abby click here....she has better details) I couldn't pass up a moment to brag on the smartest little 5 year old I know!

1 comment:

Abby said...

awwww. Brooks and I were just reading Goodnight Moon and I thought about the fact that their was no table!!