notice how the foot holds the leaver down just so....
The new kennel...I talked Chris into the cute pink one. Also note that Winston is BEHIND the kennel not in it...he is not so sure about this change.
notice how the foot holds the leaver down just so....
The new kennel...I talked Chris into the cute pink one. Also note that Winston is BEHIND the kennel not in it...he is not so sure about this change.
Winston before the hair cut, all fluffy.
Winston just as daddy dropped him off with Ms. Jackie. He looks a little nervous....
Here he comes all pretty!!!
LOOK HOW HANDSOME! He is so cute....I love that sweet face.
All of these things would have seemed impossible, but with everyone's love and support he was able to overcome the challenges. To everyone your prayers for Uncle Louie, Greg, Buzek family, and doctors have made such an amazing difference. Join me while I continue this marathon as long as it needs....
Carrie and I with no drinks!
Okay, look at it in simple terms; that we need to keep ourselves from turning to the culture to look for the answers. I love the example he used here...It was that when you go to Barns and Noble and look to the magazine racks. People will go here (to the magazines) to see what is new, trendy, and what "everyone" is doing. This is not the way to live...following the coolest fad or learning about things in this months magazine is not the way. Instead we should follow his word.
It is hard to have true joy if you are in and out all the time. I know I am guilty of this, the fact that when we truly need him...we seek him out. However, if things are good we don't seek him as much as we should. This point brought me back to the week before you know the #6. Don't stop praying until you can face the matter with faith and trust in God's sovereignty. After breaking down these verses in John I realized that it is possible to be "better" (for lack of another word) at praying.
I think it is wonderful that we have been studying this over the past month. As I have been praying for many people...Uncle Louie and Greg mostly. I am able to strengthen my prayers for those in need. Prayers are amazing, I mean look at what Louis Buzek has over come. It has now been 22 days since he entered the hospital. The prayers from so many friends, family, and anonymous followers have helped in more ways than we will ever know. I know Uncle Louie is very strong, has amazing doctors, but I do believe without the prayers of everyone he would not be doing as well as he is. Tonight Louise had a new type of surgery, it was not his normal "wash out". The doctors have taken him off the pacemaker. This is both a wonderful step but nervous one too. The pacemaker was there to help if his heart stopped again like it had at least 3 times prior. However, it could cause infections...The doctors felt since it has not been used (that is a wonderful thing) it could be removed to lessen the risk of infection. While in surgery the doctors placed maggots. I know many of you are wondering why maggots. It is my understanding that this maggots can help eat the dead tissue, but not the healthy tissue. I look at it like they can reach places the doctors can't or wouldn't because the risk is too high. These wonderful (yet weird) little maggots are going to do an amazing job cleaning him up. If you would like more info on this procedure you can go to Louis' blog here.Chris and his co workers
Carrie and IMy Contreras friends
Anita taken the volley
serving the ball...
some great action shots (notice I was brave and took the pants off...still cold)
After the loss!!!