I saw this on
Classy Southern Wife's blog and thought it would be fun since we just celebrate our
ONE YEAR Anniversary! I can not believe that we have been married almost a year. It has been so wonderful!
Attending: We had around 50 attend our destination wedding. However, at our back home party there were more like 140 people there...it was a blast
I wanted a picture after the wedding with all our wonderful guest! |
Bridesmaids: My sweet sister was my matron of Honor. Chris' two older sisters were bridesmaids as well as my 2 dear friends. I picked out a super cute and cool yellow bridesmaids dress from Alfred Angelo. Of course no shoes were worn being as we were on the beach!
Cakes: It was a simple cake, but I loved it. I also loved the topper that my mom found for us! Oh and it was delicious!
Dress: This was one of the 2 things that stressed me out the most! I had the hardest time finding the perfect dress. However, once I did I knew it was the one...I love, love, love my dress. I was so excited to wear it again at our Encore celebration (pssttt just between us, I would wear it everyday I love it that much). Mom, Abby, and I found the dress just by chance in Houston at Alfred Angelo. Thankfully they had just opened an Alfred Angelo close to me...so I didn't have to drive to Houston!
Engagement: We got engaged on September 5, 2009. He swept me right off my feet. You can read about part 1
here and part 2
HERE. Trust me, it's worth reading. Then you can follow it up with pictures
Flowers: I loved our flowers! If you haven't noticed I love yellow so I went with a simple yellow cala lilly.
Flower Girls: My niece Emery and Chris' little sister Riley were our flower girls. They did a wonderful job of tossing out the flowers. They were beautiful in their dresses too!
Groomsmen: The hubby had his best friend Z be the best man. His brother-in-law, his brother, his cousin, and two close friends finished out the group of men.
Honeymoon: We went to the Bahamas!
Invitations: The second thing I was really stressing out about! Since we were having a destination wedding I didn't want a cheesy invitation or too formal. Thankfully after hours of searching my friend Wiggs and I ran into a sweet married couple who made our invitations. They were perfect and did such an amazing job! I love how they turned out.
Jewelry: I loved my jewelry! I wore my grand mothers pearl neckless that my sister wore in her wedding too. I also followed that up with some simple pearl earrings. I then wore my new rolex watch my mom and dad gave to me as a wedding gift.
Ladies' Night: (aka Bachelorette Party): My sister and mom know me so well...and they should. We set up a nice little night out to the Gaylord. There was plenty of food, drinks, fun, and memories made. You can read about it
Music: For the ceremony, we had a Dominican Trio! I loved walking down to their music, it was priceless.
Next-day: We meet up with friends and did a quick breakfast. Then Chris and I both spent most of the day with our families. We did various things from parasailing to kayaking and building sand castles. It was a great first day married with family and friends.
I went parasailing with my family and friends....we loved it! |
Old, new borrowed, blue: I had my grand mother's pearls, my grader had a hint of blue, my dress and watch were new, and the ear rings my sister wore borrowed.
Photography: We took a friend,
Jonathan Golden, to do our pictures. He did a great job of catching memories from the entire week of events. I love our pictures they are priceless. Click
HERE to see them! Jonathan also did our engagement photo shoot which was amazing too!
Question popping: Chris asked me on September 5, 2009. He shocked me as I had no clue what was going to happen. Pure bliss!
Reception: Our reception at the wedding was next to the pool! It was a little warm there, but everyone managed to keep cool!
Shoes: None needed! Who needs shoes on a beach? However I did wear some simple sandals for the reception.
Tuxedos: Not for our big day....instead Chris wore a linen suit, the groomsmen wore linen pants and shirts!
Ushers: Again no need here! But we will take some really cute RING BEARS!!! I love them to pieces. Jack (who I nannied in college) helped walk my nephew down the isle. They had one mission...ring security! Love them!!
Videographer: Of course! We used a local videographer Florian Kotter. You can see a sneak peak of our video
Weather: The only stress on the big day! There was 90 percent chance for rain! Yet....I was determined to keep it on the beach! Thank you Lord for keeping the rain away and allowing wonderful tropical weather for our day! Then to top off our I Do's....a rainbow appeared just after! Perfection!
X-rated: Um, no? Not really our way of doing things!
Young kids: Yes, Please! We had the most amazing little people at our wedding. My niece and Chris' little sister were our flower girls. His 2 nieces were our bubble girls. Then the ring bears were Jack and my nephew! They were perfect!
Ems and Riley were Flower Girls....Maddie and Emily were our bubble girls! |
Zzzz's: We left our current rooms and got our own for the BIG night! It was wonderful and lovely. We couldn't have been happier!
Wow a year has passed and it seems like yesterday! Wonderful memories were made that will be cherished for a lifetime. Hope you enjoyed the trip down memory lane as much as I did!