Saturday, January 31, 2009
God has given him such strength,
Thank you again to everyone who is praying for him and Greg. My sister had a wonderful idea of having a prayer marathon. A marathon is 26.2 miles for the next 26 days we will be holding a prayer marathon for Louise and Greg. I will be praying 5 minutes for Louie and 5 minutes for Greg everyday. It is hard to run an actually marathon, but it will be amazing to run a prayer marathon. I like most, normally have the general prayer list so this will provide me extra time to spend with the Lord. Please join us in this marathon!!
The never ending ride...
Look how well Blue smiles...oh Winston we have a lot of work ahead.
Wiggs, Blue, Winston, and I
Friday, January 30, 2009
Uncle Louie Updated
Thank you for all your prayers again...please keep them close tonight!
Thursday, January 29, 2009 you need all of yours?
How often do we take having all of our blood for granted? Uncle Louie (Brian's Uncle) could really use your help. He could use your EXTRA blood. I know a few of you probably donate blood to blood drives around the area. When you donate you have no clue who is receiving that blood, but that you are helping someone in need...Now is your chance to donate and know exactly who it is helping.
The wonderful thing about this is it doesn't matter where you are you can still help Uncle Louie. Even though I don't live in Houston my donation will reach him from Fort Worth. Here is the information you will need to make sure Uncle Louie receives your donation. Head down to the local blood center to donated. While you are there you will need to inform them that you are donating in Louis Buzek's name. Then simply give them the information below:
Louis Buzek
STICU- Memorial Hermann Pavilion
Hermann Memorial Hospital, Houston, TX
Once you give the blood center this information they can then pass it along. I know asking for prayers is a lot...and now BLOOD!!! However, it is a small needle and it will be over before you know it. If you are unable to give your sweet, precious blood then just keep praying. Anything you can do will help. If you leave close to El Campo they will be holding a blood drive in Louie's name. You can visit here to get more information. Thank you for all your thoughts, it means the world to the Buzek Family. Not only does the Buzek family need prayers, Greg also does. You may wonder who Greg is, he was the man with Uncle Louie at the time of the accident. He is not taking this well either. He has been at the hospital since Louie has, help pray that he will be at peace with this. That accidents happen and no one person can take all the burden. Again I thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.
Prayers Needed
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
SAD still I think not....after waking up today I realized it was best that we miss school. It is what now 8:30 and still only 19 outside, yeah I don't think the roads will be any better by 10 for most of those schools. Now it is just on to enjoy our "snow day" I say "snow"....because it is really and ICE day, not a single snow flake fell only ice! As for Winston, he loves it out there he thinks it is a big ice cube and licks everything. My fear is that his tongue will get stuck! Also it is very funny to watch him try to take off fast on the ice...its like a little man running in place then darts off. We will chill inside for the rest of the day....oh and maybe grade some papers. I hope everyone around this area enjoys their ICE day too!!
Licking the sleet...
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Happy Birthday to ALL!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009
BLAH BLAH BLAH to Sunday nights!
Let me tell you about my Sunday nights lately. First you need to know a little about my place. I live in a pretty nice little apartment. I have now lived here for gosh 2 years. They are tucked back in a neighborhood area; with a nice little pond that makes it feel very private. I really have not had much trouble with my place, other than the snake last October. The neighbors have always been very nice. Well as time has passed they have begun to upgrade our places. I have a few of the upgrades, but the most recent one is wood floors. This is not the case for my place, I still have the cheap carpet but that is no problem. Honestly...I HAD no problem with any neighbors until, oh about 4 months ago. The people who lived above me moved out and some new boys moved in. Therefore the nice carpeted floors that they had were replaced with WOOD (fake I'm sure) floors.
Now as the people above me move about I hear every thing they do. I know from the second they walk in the door where they are headed. It is madness how much of a difference wood floors make, honestly. Well 2 younger men have moved in upstairs and they both have girlfriends. Any given evening there is a total of 4 peps up there "stomping" around or so that is how it sounds down here. You know that it is bad when Bob (my sweet cat) notices. She will be sitting her beside me and look up with this horrible face....kind of like saying, "what the heck are you all doing up there" because they are so loud. Okay the funny thing is my problem is not the STOMPING is worse.
Now let me bring you to SUNDAY NIGHTS....I have begun to see a pattern in Sunday nights upstairs (over the last 2 months). I have come to realize (because they park beside me too) one room mate is home and the other is not on this evening of the week. Of course the roommate that is home is the one who lives in the room above my mine (or the master room). It would have been to easy for him to have lived above my guest room!!! On this particular night, he and his girlfriend partake in extra curricular activities. I believe in a room with carpet I would never be subjected to such noises...I know this because there was a married couple prior to these guys! Not once did I hear a sound (or maybe there love life was lame??? who knows). Now you may be thinking, oh that is just part of "apartment" life, but this is not right.
I can hear ever single sound that is made during this action. From the headboard hitting the wall, to the creaking sound the bed makes, and even moans. Let me tell you what, I am not sure how that young lady is able to walk out of there in the morning! I am not sure if its the fact that they are home alone and can get as "wild" as they want....or the floors. The amount of noise made from the room up above makes me cringe at the fact that I have to lay and "try to sleep". It is so awful that I feel as though I am literally sitting in the room with them! I sit there in bed and just think to myself, hurry up and be done already! So it is with great sadness that I either have to turn the TV up so loud (I can't sleep). Or try and beat them to sleep, which is a challenge since I have 2 shows I love to watch on Sunday nights. I would be very happy to have anyone over oh say from 9:30pm till 11:30 pm to listen to the madness upstairs, only then will you truly understand what goes on. Or I guess if you are looking for any tips or ticks I am sure they could show you a thing or two... I can only hope the act gets lame for them...or they break up!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Writing 101!!
This weekend my school hosted a great speaker for a writing workshop. Yes, normally I hate going to workshops on Saturdays...blah blah blah. However this one, a voluntary one that we were "encouraged" to attend, was wonderful. I feel as though I didn't waste my Saturday or lose wonderful "sleeping in" sleep. Our writing coach had been to this training and begged our principal to invite the guest speaker. After some negotiating with another elementary school, to help with his cost, she called him up. Who was it? Bill MacDonald! Mr. MacDonald also referred to as the Writing Doctor was amazing. We started our workshop off with about 15-20 4th graders attending. He spoke to the students and we got to see superb "modeling"! The students were so into the presentation...they even got to win prizes. ($20.00Wal-Mart gift cards) The whole purpose of his training is to help your students who are at a 3 on the writing taks move to a 4 (perfect score). As a lower grade teacher (1st grade) I thought wow, is this really going to help me...
YES! Many of his strategies were to help the 4th grade teachers in the next month or so move the kids up to a 4. However, the afternoon proved to be valuable to all grade levels. He referenced as much to K and 1 teachers, as he did the 4 and 5 grade. The whole day flew by with out even a second look at the time...and many amazing ideas were given to us. These are a few of the important ones....(as a lower grade teacher that I will do to help my upper grade friends)
- penmanship...the state looks at penmanship!!!
- the student should write a sentence as long as their age... i.e if they are 6 then their sentence should have 6 words in it
- the student should have as many details as their age....similar to the first point, each story for a 6 year old should have 6 details
- blah blah blah....needs to become BLING!!!
- quick games to help get bling...don't let kids write the same things, make them find new ideas for the same thing. Such as going to the beach....well have an amazing or unique thing happen at the beach
- quick list....where students must answer a question with the first thing that pops into their head. ex: I say a food, yell McDonald's. Help the students come up with new ideas or unique ones for hamburger...such as Kincaid's (a non-chain or such)
- think time...give them the topic think it over for a day...then write about it (this way you get better details and endings)
I really did enjoy the day...he passes out tons of door prizes and some freebies which makes it even more worth while. If for some reason your school needs writing help, look him up! I have attached his blog and his store website...I won tons of posters (and 20 bucks) that will be wonderful in my room.
website:, January 20, 2009
I love this action shot...picture this oh every time we open his kennel....speed racer!
Monday, January 19, 2009
1000 and counting!!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Uncle Brian it would have never been possible without you. Thank you for buying me all the goodies that Aunt Abby and my cousins sent to me. You are the best. I love you more than you could ever know.....
I love my Auntie Abby and Cousins
Now on to today's package....It was from Auntie Abby and his Cousins E and B. So here you see him sniffing it out.
Once he got a good sniff we took it in to open it up. I nor Winston had any idea what was in it. All I knew was it was something pertaining to his name. Look at all the goodies he got, he was shocked (and I too!). Really he didn't know what to play with first. He got the most wonderful sweater ever....note the large W on it. I love it and the best thing is he doesn't mind it either.
Week 1 down and no "major" problems!!
- Poor Chris...his work now revolves in 3 hour settings (he can't stay in his kennel longer than that)
- Our day is counted by the minutes...even seconds for the next potty break
- POTTY TRAINING, YIKES. (we still need a lot of work here)
- the unknown, not sure what he will do next
- racing the clock...I feel we are always racing to do something and be back in time to let him out
- His sweet little face
- The kisses on the toes, face, oh any where
- The joy he brings us
- His playful manor
- The cuddling up in our laps
- Wonderful sleeper (sleeps great at night, with no whining)
So there you have it...I think Chris and I are starting to get the hang of this puppy thing. Thus fare I do not believe we have screwed him up too bad, but only time will tell. We really are struggling on potty training, so please send us your hints. It seems no matter how often we go out, he goes inside as soon as we come back. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE! Now that he is 7 weeks old I hope that we can improve on this. Really that is our only beef with the little guy. He is wonderful, I wouldn't trade him for a thing.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Our little pant leg grabber
What a sweet little guy he is.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
We made it through our first night...
Just after his first bath...
Let's PLAY!!!
Oh my new chunk it chula....I love it and daddy does too!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
It's a Boy
When we got home I emailed away and Chris looked for more Yorkies. The Yorkies are hard to come by...that is ones that like cats and kids. Then Dana emailed back with great news that the dog would be there. We were happy and thought well we will check it out again. On Thursday I just happened to notice she now had puppies. There were 4, 2 male and 2 female. Oh gosh so I recontact her telling her that Chris really wanted a puppy and could we look at them both...With a waiting list started she was kind enough to put our names on it. That is the key we found out from the 1st time going to see the dog. YOU MUST get your name on the list...if you don't your out of luck.
Off we headed today to see what was in store for us. Would we love the 1 year old or a puppy (Yorkie, Papillon mix). As Chris and I drove over we chatted about it and thought we will see who catches our heart. Walking into the store I realize this is much different than last time.....there are over 20 people crammed in the store. I couldn't believe it....I was in shock. The Chris walked in (he was parking the car) and was in shock as well. That's when we were so thankful we had been her the week prior. Dana shows up with the dogs, 2 from last week that were not picked, the 4 Yorkie puppies, and the 1 year old. The craziness people start grabbing at the puppies and yanking the out of the little high school girls. I felt so bad for them, so that is when Dana said, "No wait I have a list...." and she began calling off names. The fist name was called, NO ONE stepped up! The second name, a man who wanted a girl puppy. The third name an older lady who too wanted a girl. Then Emily was called.....She said would you like to look at the puppies or Dudley. I claim both and the high school girls hand us the 2 boy puppies. We look them both over one pulled our hearts more than the other. So we hand him back to the girls, where Dana yells the last name.... Now the hard part, the puppy or the 1 year old! We talk and hold the puppy, and well the puppy wins. There was another nice couple that just wanted the 1 year old too, so they went home with him. We got our new baby!!! As all the dogs were then spoken for the people begin to leave. Apparently the list was over 120 people, thank goodness we were there the week prior.
From here Chris and I filled out his papers. (HE NEEDS A NAME SO BAD) Dana gave him one of his shots (we will have to go back for his last two and microchip) and some dewormer. Apparently their mothers milk may have worms in it, so they have to have som dewormer once they have been taken off the milk. Then we were off. Did I mention he peed on me when we were doing all this mess. Well I guess that's love. Chris and I still in puppy shock head home....okay well to Petsmart. In the car "puppy" (that is what we call him now) sat so nicely in my lap. Then we got stuck in traffic, there was a wreck in the HOV lane on more than had we passed the wreck did puppy puke. Wormer all over lap, my coat, my jeans, and a little on the car seat. Well that didn't stop us, Petsmart here we come. We picked up our items and headed home.
Since we have been home puppy has been doing great. Chris' house is pretty good for a puppy, no carpet in the main areas. We did roll up his big rug in the living room to keep it safe from puppy. However, I take him out about every 30 to 45 minutes to potty. He has gone potty outside every time, thus far. He is great...plays so much, eats his food, and then sleeps like an angel. We will see how tonight goes, I hope he loves his new crate!! Since his is only 6 weeks old they said it is a little early to have him potty trained but I want any help possible with this. To me the sooner were are potty trained the BETTER
Friday, January 09, 2009
I arrived at Best Buy at 9:45 to find 8 cars full of people. I of course began to plot my attack. I waited till 9:50...and headed for the door. Once I got out of the car, everyone was out. Here we are all waiting for the doors to open at 10. The door opens and I grab the Best Buy man "I NEED THE WII FIT!" He said okay, follow me.....everyone is still behind us. I am 1st in line and this nice college age girl goes I need one too; then the Best Buy workers start numbering the other people. They open the case, only 8 Wii Fits are there. The man hands me mine and I run from the people. Wii Fit in hand, Chris and I leave ready to enjoy!