Well sadly our time was over and Winston and I had to head back to the big city! Winston enjoyed playing with Little Monkey and Little Bear so much. Little Monkey enjoy watching him too. I think it is because they are just about the same size...He would just laugh when Winston jumped around and clap when he did a trick. It was so cute, I hated to leave. Little Bear who has not been a "big fan of small dogs" finally started to love Winston just as we were leaving. I think it is funny because she has a dog... what a mess!
I will miss my sweet niece, nephew, Bailey dog, Abby and Brian; I also think Winston will miss them all and the yard. No more "wonderful snow cones", Sonic trips with Little B and his big cup, and no more lazy days till summer! The good point is that summer is just 4 weeks away.
Enjoying the swing...what a nice sister to push him
However, just before we left I got bit by something on my foot! That was enough for me to be happy to head home! Of course at the time I figured it was simply and ant, I think that is not the case (see pics below)! Winston and I shall return soon to help build the Play House!
1 comment:
Love your new background. I wonder where you ever found such a great site for free backgrounds :)
Yikes, your ankle looks like it hurts!
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