Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Turkey my class made to show what they are all thankful for!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!!  This year is Chris and I's FIRST year to do holidays MaRrIeD!!!  We are loving Thanksgiving in Minnesota with his family (okay not so much loving the bitter cold....but the company makes up for it).  Here are the top 3 things I have been most thankful for this year (it has been a busy year here):

  1. My Family: You guys are amazing, I would be nothing without each of you.  Your helpfulness this year with the wedding was overflowing!!!  I love that we got to enjoy a new memory together as a family.
  2. My HUSBAND: I am so happy to call you my husband this year.  It was wonderful planning our next phase together. 
  3.  My "NEW" Family: Thank you so much for welcoming me with such open arms.  You all are the best family.  I am thankful that you are allowing me to join your thanksgiving feast.  You have even allowed some new of my thanksgiving goodies to enter your feast.  Thank you!!!
Again 3 things are not even close to what I could come up with...those are the 3 that have hit me the most this year. Of course we are all thankful to have a warm home, wonderful jobs, and great health.  Enjoy your TURKEY DAY!!

1 comment:

Abby said...

Happy Thanksgiving to my favorite sister in the world!! Love you bunches!! Hope your stuffing turns out well!!