Q: What is your middle name?
Rebecca....after my mother
Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I was always going to be a meteorologist! I even studied it in college for 2 1/2 semesters! YIKES!!
Q: If you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be?
~ Our dream home
~ Enough money to be have a happy life
~To have a health family
Q: If your house was on fire and you could grab only 3 things before leaving, what would they be?
~ Winston
~ Bob
~ wedding pictures
Q: You wouldn’t be caught dead, where?
Living in a freezing cold place, I dislike major coldness! Give me a beach any day.
Q: If you could be any cartoon character, who would you be?
This is probably the hardest one on here! I have no true love with any character but my niece LoVeS Belle, so for her I would be Belle!!

Q: Who was the last person you hugged?
since it is the end of a school day...25 sweet 2nd graders!
Q: What do you think of when you hear the word "yellow"?
My favorite color!! I love yellow it is so happy and warm!
Now you need to go link up…
Thanks so much for linking up!! I agree with you on the cold weather idea . . I wouldn't last a day in extreme cold!
And a meteorologist huh?! My fiance would be that if he weren't a baseball coach for sure
Have a great week girlie!
How adorable is your blog header!? I love it!
I don't like freezing cold places either. Hubby's family are all in Michigan. We have to go up there a couple times a year. It's miserable. Last July, the high was 50. I kid you not.
I'm a teacher too (currently staying at home right now with my baby) but I miss it.
Stopping by from the link up! Have a great week~
Aw, Em, you are supposed to think of home aka Amarillo when you hear the word YELLOW. What are we going to do with you? LOL!
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