Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I know on Friday I have plans to take Winston in for his neutering. I guess after that he and I may make a trip to my sisters. Heck we have a whole week who knows what kind of trouble Winston and I can get into!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Happy 5 month Birthday Winston! Little Winston is growing up so much, everyone agrees. He has come a long way from that little puppy.
Putting his coat to good use!
Chris and I had planned to catch up on our TIVO, we always do our Monday shows on Tuesday! Winston being the 5 month he is was running around like a wild man. He wanted to play ball, then with the bone, then with the was non stop. Chris had the tv up very loud over all the squeaky toys. Then I noted he had something and it was not a toy? He kept picking it up and kind of tossing it. I thought for a moment Chris had given him some ice, but he said no. Chris of course being the man he is said, "I don't care what it is, he is quiet and busy!"
I of course could not settle with that. The investigation began. After having a 5 month old puppy, I am now a pro at retrieving things from mouths. In I go with my tilt of the head down and finger swiping affect. What would it be but A TOOTH!! Winston has lost his first tooth!!! Chris was so jazzed. To him the 1st tooth lose means less biting of sharp teeth. I bet that is really not the case but we will see. Now it is official our once little puppy is growing up!
After he lost his tooth!
His first tooth!
Of course with this big news we (I) had to call our families. First on the list someone who could really appreciate a lost tooth, Little Bear! She is very close to losing teeth for Little Bear we will leave the tooth under his bed with hopes of the Tooth Fairy!
Monday, April 27, 2009
I know I have said it many times before, but I LOVE my tennis family. I have been so busy lately I didn't have time to post on our last little tennis event. I am on the board of Arlington Tennis Association (which is a wonderful organization!) We are a non profit association trying to keep tennis alive! We do many different things as far as holding tournament, teaching under privileged youth, inter league, and a scholarship. I love being apart of such a outstanding program. ATA is hosted out of Arlington Tennis Center, which is a very key component to our success. Arlington Tennis Center is probably one of the nicest public tennis facilities around!
Chris supporting our team! What an amazing boyfriend really....
Jay pumping out the jams!
Here we are handing out all the great door prizes.The first place team!
The 2nd place team...can't you tell they were a little bummed!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Bobby's 5th Annual Crawfish Boil
Saturday afternoon was the annual Crawfish boil!!! I of course was very excited about this (sarcasm), but Chris was super jazzed. (I dislike crawfish) Bobby who works with Chris at AXA has always done an amazing job with his little crawfish boil. He goes to a lot of effort to make it fun for all.
The feeding trough!
Winston really wanted to see what it was all about!!!
A fresh batch = people chowing down!
I also got to enjoy many wonderful games of beer pong! Beer pong is slightly new to me, due to the fact that I don't ever remember it in college. I think it is a newer college game (but could be wrong!). When beer pong started to fade, they pulled in another drinking game called baseball. I think that was the best to watch, since you could still bases and had to race to flip your cup to get the base. Really the whole thing was a mess and very entertaining!
Ryan and Chris game planning....
Down to the last cup..he has to sink it!
How to win....make the other team drink all their cups before you!
Chris making a mess when trying to re-stack cups!
Game 2...they won so now the must take on the girls! Funny thing is the girls beat them.
A high five after a home run in baseball.
Chad (aka Chachi) steeling home. He made it because he flipped his cup first.
The boys won 7-5, great game!
Ryan and Winston watching the game.
Oh poor Ryan....5 beer pongs, 1 baseball game, and 4 jello shots later.
All in all the whole day was wonderful. We had such a great time hanging out with our friends. Oh and did I mention that Winston loved it...he loved the attention and freedom to just roam around! The weather couldn't have been more perfect too. We had an amazing weekend, now back to the work. Thankfully I only have 6 more weeks...then SUMMER!!! I can't wait to lay by the pool everyday!!!
Here are a few cute pics once we got home!
sweet Winston....
What a happy little family
Chris and Winston...too cute
For those of you not familiar with a "dog park" I will explain. Basically it is a large gated area where your dog can run free off the leash around other dogs. Fort Woof is really nice, they have 2 sides; one for the large dogs and another for the small dogs. They have benches for us to sit on. Then water areas for the dogs to chill. They have even added an agility course on both sides. Maybe we can work on that with Winston! While at the doggy park I took some pics. I mean after all what kind of a puppy mommy would I be if I didn't take a billion. Here are a few of the best ones.
My sweet boys!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
A Lead.....
Last night Chris' cousin had a great birthday party. It was in Lewisville at this sushi restaurant, lots of fun. If you live in the area and love that type of food (I don't really, but they had good non sushi too) you should really go. Around 10 pm it turns into a 21 and up club. We had a blast and the music was great too.

Scott feeding Chris...these boys are a mess!
Yes let me set this up for you! Cooper's brother just sitting at home watching some TV. He was just chill'n doing what he normally does, when BAM!!! His back door gets kicked in and 3 people (1 male, 2 female) come running into his living room. His brother immediately said "WHAT are you doing?" That kind of freaked them out...they expected no one to be home.... (Cooper doesn't have a car so it probably looked that way from the outside) So from here Cooper called his brother and told him to haul ass over. The 3 intruders took off out the back door, so did Cooper. They ran to a green Z71 camero....Cooper and his brother tried to chase after them, but lost them somewhere.
They informed the police of what had happened but since the intruders did not take anything they kind of blew it off. Then they tried to help them see the similarities between our two case, however didn't want to listen. Chris is going to call the police he spoke with on Monday and see if that will help with anything. GLAD to hear that we may be on the right track here....Will keep ya posted!!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Our little grad!
He is so proud!
Winston waiting his turn....such a good boy.
From leave it we did come and sit; then a walking leave it. Winston rocks at the walking leave it, since we do it on our walks. He walks by the treat pile you say leave it and they have to keep going....Well our little friend likes to pick up sticks and rocks when walking so we have leave it down! Finally we had the lose leash walk with no pulling and 2 sits; and then the greet! He did amazing at it all. Actually EVERYONE did amazing. Winston got a 100 on his report card! Honestly I think we must have been in the GT class, because everyone aced the test and could have probably learned more.
Look at our little grad...holding his ball and posing for a pic!
Winston and Archie