Heading to Colorado...
Chris and I caught the 7 am flight to Colorado on Friday morning to meet up with my sister, Brian, and the kiddos. Thankfully Abby and Brian went up the day before so they could pick us up from the airport. We arrived in Colorado around 9:30 and were ready to start the family fun.
Chris enjoying a mid morning snack.
Our limo service has arrived!
As soon as we were picked up we had thought about hitting up the zoo. However, my parents were closer to Colorado than we thought. Instead we headed to Golden, Colorado. Why there you ask? Golden, Co is the headquarters for Coors!!! Off we were on our free tour of the Coors plant. We had a blast and got to see many neat things. Little Bear and I really enjoyed watching them box all the cans up and run through the conveyor belts. It was pretty cool....Brian and Chris of course really like the "free" samples at the end. Everyone 21 and older gets a bracelet with the numbers 1, 2, 3. As you finish the tour you come out in the tasting lounge! This is where you may taste 3 of the Coors beers. For you non drinkers, they provide 4 or so sodas and such. We had a fabulous time there. Just in time for the end of our tour mom and dad arrived in Golden too.

Here we are ready to go!

Little Bear and I!
Chris and Little Bear checking it all out.
Every one listening to the tour and checking it out.

Little Bear loved to push the button and listen to the tour guide.
Chris in front of the canning and boxing section.
Little Bear enjoying the "testing" of Dr. Pepper and Pink Lemon aid
Ohhh...finally an ICE COLD BEER!
Here's to COORS, the beer here Chris and Brian claim is much better!
Chris and Little Monkey enjoying a snack.
The whole family...how cute!
We took a nice walk down to the middle of town. Golden is a really cute small town that you should stop through if you ever get a chance. We grabbed a quick bit to eat and then off to Estes Park, Co we headed! The drive was about an hour and very pretty with all the mountains. Many of the mountains still are covered in snow, and the weather was AMAZING! We arrived to our beautiful house around 5ish to unpack and just chill. Once we unpacked it was a quick visit to the Y to see the family who had arrived today as well. Then back home....and quickly to bed. We were all very tired from a long day of traveling.

BB and Pa Pa are hear!!!

What a cute Little Monkey he is.

Abby and Brian