Monday, June 22, 2009

Heading home...

Here we are...enjoying life!

My big plans of updating the blog as vacationing were a bit crushed when we (Abby, Chris, Brian, and I) all realized that we DID NOT have WIFI as stated in our info! (There is a back story to this which I will get to later.) However, now Chris, Brian, and I are siting here at the Denver Airport enjoying some computer time.

We had an amazing trip full of many first and lots of laughs. I think we were all very sad to have to get up and head home today. We just kept saying next time we must stay longer. However, as with ever trip it has to come to an end. Chris and I will be heading back to Fort Worth; and Brian to The Big EC. Not to worry.....Abby and the kids are heading to A-town with mom and dad. We will all join back up in Amarillo on Friday! Till then I am off to work on the blogs of our fun family trip....stay tuned!

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